Page created January 12 2017
This simple model is from the 1930 4-7 manual built using parts from my circa 1930 number 7 set that I keep in Oshawa Canada. It was built over Christmas 2016 partly as an amusement for my grand children, who were fascinated by the whirring number 1A clockwork motor driving the boats at a rather high speed. The model hardly utilised much of the content of the number 6 set and I even included some extra parts, nor did the original instructions include the use of a motor which makes the whole thing fun! Although this was not included in the number 6 set. Its great fun to build a model using these brightly enamelled parts in such wonderful condition and are eighty seven years old! The fly boats clearly suffer from the lack of flexible plates not available until 1934 but I did add a five hole flat girder to each boat to allow the accommodation of small soft toys or figures. Fly Boats are a simple hand operated fair ground ride dating from pre-victorian times that can be still seen at vintage fun fairs today.